We have licensed kindergarten and school-age programs (Hagersville location) with a child ratio of 1:13 for kindergarten and 1:15 for school-agers. Children in this program range from 4 years – 12 years old. Educators implement our program statement and policies to provide caring, engaging, and safe environments and experiences for the kindergarten and school-age programs. Our kindergarten and school-age programs offer before and afterschool, Christmas break care, PA day care, March break camps and Summer Camps. We provide challenging, respectful and engaging opportunities for our kindergarten and school-age groups, with a variety of activities indoors and outdoors.
We offer before and afterschool care. Our JK/SK and School-age programs are also open on PA Days, Christmas breaks and march break, and we offer a summer-camp program for the summer months.

What does the JK/SK program look like?
The School-age and JK/SK’s can work on their independence, confidence and self-esteem in our programs and are taught that they are capable, competent and should be respected. Throughout our program school-age and JK/SK children will have opportunities to feel empowered and work together, while organizing, setting up and running events such as our annual talent show and our monthly parent appreciation breakfasts. Children also have designated jobs in the classroom that give them a sense of responsibility. There school-age and JK/SK students also part-take in intergenerational activities (visiting retirement home).
School-age and JK/SK children have the opportunity to engage and learn in many activities including:
Reading, writing and math activities: Our classrooms often read chapters books together and have lots of time for leisure reading and extra practice that can be used for their home reading homework from school. They also enjoy being a reading buddy for our younger children at the centre. Our teachers can also assist children in completing some of their homework so that there is less to do when they get home. Children will also encounter math practice in practical and engaging ways (i.e. figuring out costs for parent appreciation breakfasts).
Science Experiments and Exploration: When children show an interest on a topic, teachers base their programming around that interest so that children can learn about what that interest is. For example, when dinosaurs were in the news about a recent discovery our children became interested in dinosaurs and therefore the classroom became a place for them to read and write about dinosaurs, ask questions, dig for dinosaurs, create their own dinosaurs and so much more.

Connection to the Natural World & Outdoor Learning:
Children enjoy spending time outdoors while in our program, as well as learning about nature, the environment, animals, other parts of the world and recycling. Our classrooms have natural materials for children to play and create with, instilling a love for nature and the outdoors.
Physical activity and learning about health:
The JK/SK and school-age children are provided with lots of opportunity to release energy with various physical activities. We also learn about why it is important to be active and what the food groups are that our diets consist of.
Creative Expression:
Children in our program are able to express themselves creatively through art, listening to and making music, dance and drama. We also have an annual talent show that our JK/SK and school-age children love participating in each year.
Character Building:
Our program offers children a chance to learn about character traits and social entities such as compassion and diversity and work on these themselves.